This Hugo theme was ported from Ivy, a minimalist website generator built in Python. I don’t have time to document it. You have to read the source code to understand what it can do. Like Ivy, this theme is also released under the Unlicense, which basically means you just do whatever you want.
All pages not under the root directory of the website are listed below. You can also visit the list page of a single section, e.g., posts, or notes.
- 2022/12/17 gganimate包-GIF绘制导出
- 2022/11/25 tableau-重绘沃罗诺伊树图
- 2022/11/22 日记-zotero
- 2022/11/21 日记-20221121
- 2022/11/20 voronoiTreemap包-绘制沃罗诺伊树图
- 2022/11/20 日记-20221120
- 2022/11/17 日记-20221117
- 2022/11/16 factoextra+ggpubr+ggplot2-层次聚类图添加标签及箱线图
- 2022/11/16 日记-20221116
- 2022/11/15 factoextra包–层次聚类图美化
- 2022/11/15 ggpubr包--学习笔记
- 2022/11/15 plotly包--交互可视化
- 2022/11/15 高级计量Stata--第十二章多值选择模型
- 2022/11/15 高级计量经济学及stata应用--学习笔记
- 2020/12/01 Hello R Markdown
- 2017/06/14 Another Note on A blogdown Tutorial
- 2017/06/13 A Quick Note on Two Beautiful Websites
- 2016/02/14 A Plain Markdown Post
- 2015/07/23 Lorem Ipsum